
Fellowship has been an activity of the church for many years since we joined in 2002, and it was led by Pastor Eldor and Maria Mickan.  We always have a devotion, snacks and play games.  In the past, we played Mexican Train, but now those who come to Fellowship/Games play "Hand n Foot." However, we are open to playing a variety of games.  We are very small in numbers and would love to see more members join.  We meet at 12:00 p.m. twice a month, the second Wednesday of the month and the fourth Sunday of the month.  Each member brings a brown bag lunch and a snack to share.  Come be a part of our gathering.

Altar Guild

Members of the Altar Guild are grateful servants: ministers of God, ministers of
God’s people, ministers of the liturgy and ministers of the worship space.
The Altar Guild has eight active members and six auxiliary members.  We work as
four teams.  Each team is on duty for a two-week period during a two-month
period.  Each team is responsible for preparing communion, placing flowers on the
altar and overseeing that the proper paraments are in place during their service
period.  The Church calendar is our guideline for which color of paraments are to
be on the Altar.  Altar members who attend the second service clean up the communion
utensils and make sure Red Books are ready for the next service.
We collect a free will offering at each of our meetings.  We have been using this
money to make memorial gifts to the Building Fund in the names of deceased
members and immediate family members.  At Christmas, we have been giving gifts
cards to families who can use some financial help at Christmas.
We invite any church member to come and observe our meetings and the
preparation for the communion service.  We would love to have new members.

Praise Team

Here at GLC we have an award-winning praise team, Jazzed 4 Jesus.  We love to share about our love of God through our music during our contemporary church service and also at our bi-annual music festivals.  We have shared in the community at other music get-togethers.  During Easter and Christmas, usually a small choir is formed with J4J and other church members to present the story of Christ in new and unique ways.  New members are always welcome and encouraged to use the gifts that God has given them to be a blessing in His service.

Prayer Ministry

The Lord has provided several Scripture Readings that encourage us to pray
for others.  "Don't worry about anything; instead pray about everything, tell God
your needs and don't forget to thank Him for His answers." (Philippians 4:6)  
And again, "The prayer of a righteous man has great power in its effects."
(James 5:16b)  To this end, we at Genesis have organized a Prayer Ministry
to enable us to pray for those in need as well as to give thanks for the Lord's
many blessings.  All prayer petitions  should be initiated by contacting the
Prayer Ministry Facilitator:  Betty Drees at 512-793-4000 or e-mail her at:
bandb863@gmail.com.  All church members who have provided their e-mail
address are sent the Prayer Requests.  If you wish to be added to the list,
please contact the church office, 512-793-6800.

Genesis Piecemakers

Quilting for the Needy

Genesis Piecemakers was started in 2004 as a ministry to make quilts for Lutheran World Relief.  As time went by, local and regional needs became apparent, so we started giving our quilts locally to CASA, Family Crisis Center, Nursing Homes and shut-ins.  Regionally, we send quilts to New Life Children’s Center for abused girls in Canyon Lake and also donate quilts each year to the Lutheran Outdoor Ministry auction at Camp Lone Star in LaGrange.  We also send our quilts to the South Dakota Lutheran Indian Mission by way of Arlou and Rick Gonzales.  Internationally, we send quilts to Orphan Grain Train and Lutheran World Relief. 

We create “Quilts for the Needy” and thank the congregation for their support and donations.  Our quilters are Bessie Swindle, Barbara Senzig, Pauline Williams, D’anna Swindle, Brenda Rienstra, Carla Williams, Margaret Berger, Claire Cate, Dona Cubbison, Ginny Bollman, Betty Drees, Kay Boka, Linda Swenson, Helen Mobroten, Donna Williams, and Dena Swindle.

We meet every second Saturday and every third Wednesday at Genesis Lutheran Church at 9:30 a.m.  Please join us in helping others as we fellowship together.  You do not have to know how to quilt or sew.  There is plenty to do, and we can show you how easily it is!  

Please call the Church Office at 512-793-6800 or Betty Drees at 512-793-4000.

Orphan Grain Train

This is the HLTX – OGT collection center in Buchanan Dam, TX.  We had our beginning in March of 2012.  In September 2012, we had our grand opening and Blessing of our main container.  Twice an OGT semi from Nebraska stopped and picked up clothing to take to Grand Island, NE.  In January 2015, we became a Branch Collection Center of OGT Grand Island, NE.  In May 2015, we sent our first official trailer load to Cornerstone Children’s Ranch in Quemado, TX.  Volunteers are currently working every Tuesday to pack the clothing that has been donated.  We have a collection box at First Lutheran Church in Burnet.  We receive regular donations from First Baptist Church in Kingsland, the DAV in Kingsland, and Bethesda Thrift Store in Friendswood TX.  Lowe’s of Marble Falls supplies our boxes at cost.  Our signage is done by Signs Across America in Kingsland TX.  We have added a smaller trailer to take to Houston and/or local pickup sites.  In 2016, we sent three trailer loads to the Children’s Ranch in Quemado, TX.  We also sent the small trailer in mid-December with Christmas toys and clothes.  We are open for donations every Tuesday from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.  

First and foremost, we covet your prayers for God’s blessing on this ministry.  We are looking for volunteers.  You can volunteer by coming to the collection center and sorting clothing and packing boxes.  We need men to make boxes, seal boxes and move the boxes to our trailer.  We have various projects if you are interested.

For every dollar donated 97% goes to helping needy people.  A very lean 3% goes to administration and fundraising.

Stephen's Ministry

Learn, Grow, and Serve by Becoming a Stephen Minister

Do you have gifts for caring, encouragement, and listening? If so, please prayerfully consider becoming a Stephen Minister. We will be training our first class of Stephen Ministers soon. Stephen Ministers provide emotional and spiritual support and care to people who are going through a difficult time, such as divorce, grief, hospitalization, unemployment, terminal illness, relocation, chronic illness, or loneliness. To find out more about becoming a Stephen Minister or how you or someone you know could be matched with a Stephen Minister, talk with one of our Stephen Ministry Team Members.

Our Stephen Minstry Team at Genesis. Carol Carlos, Joe Carlos, Carol Doyal, Brenda Rienstra and Pastor Trey Rienstra.

Our Stephen Minstry Team at Genesis. Carol Carlos, Joe Carlos, Carol Doyal, Brenda Rienstra and Pastor Trey Rienstra.